Welcome to where you can find Official Positions for the club. And right now, since there are not that many people in the club, any of the jobs are available. PLEASE JOIN! Well, on with the positions. Thank you for your time. OH and yes, if you don't want to be a special position in the club, you can just be a regular member. THANKS!

Newsletter Editor (<-- where you write the newsletter for the SES World or the site I'm going to make for the club. Which will be sent outmaybe every two weeks or monthly.)

Graphic Designer (<-- where you make graphics for the website I am going to create for our club. So beaware of cool ideas!)

Membership Card Maker (<-- where you make the Membership card as shown above. If you want this job, e-mail me back for more details.)

Website Idealer (<-- where you give me ideas for the website about the club, i.e names, and stuff.)

Internet Surfer (<-- Where you surf the internet for info about SES, interviews, images and stuff and I KNOW that I messed up on the profiles...SORRY!)

Website Reviewer (<-- where you check out the websites that get submitted and rate it with our SES RATING SYSTEM and tell me if thesite should be in.)

A regular Member (<-- where you just wait for stuff to happen here at the club!)

Officer Maker (<-- where you think of new ideas for the club, make up positions in the club.)

Korean --> English Translator (<-- where you get information in KOREAN and remember, you must know how and translate it intoEnglish. Or vice versa.)

And just remember that this is just a review site, so if you want to you can visit here in advanced since I will probably send you the same information when you join. So, just use this link to go back to home or other places!

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