Welcome to Sea's Profile. These profiles are all from: Sarah Hon and ToBeRi. THANKS to them and I am trying to give them ALL the credit they totally deserve! I really think they should deserve more than this but I don't know how to thank them! THANKS!

ATTRACTION: My character in particular,and I'm a laugh a lot so people get to like it.

BODY SIZE:164cm,47kg.

CHARACTER:Affirmative and cheerful.

DIET: I used to get Eugene and Shoo to eat fruits with me,but it didn't work well.

ECCENTRICITY: Laughing frequently.

FIRST LOVE: I've never experienced it.

GOAL: Becoming the best singer around at this time, and to be a musical actress in the future.

HOBBY: Listening to music and pretending to be sentimental. I think by myself a lot,sometimes I write

IDEAL TYPE: A man who really gets me to feel emotional.

JINX: Unless I eat fruits,I get uneasy all day.

KISS: I have never experienced it,should that make me a natural monument?

LIFE STYLE: Well,I live happily.

MUSIC:I like Toni Braxton's songs very much.

NICK NAME: Just Bada.

ON THE BED:Well there's nothing special on it.

PROFILE: I was born on February 28th,1980 in Buchun.

QUALITY POINT: I sing traditional songs well,cause my father used to sing them and it grew on me.

RELIGION:I'm a Catholic.

SPORTS:Swimming, cycling, jogging.

TRAVEL: My best trip was to JeJu island where it doesn't cost much and we can see the palm trees.

UNHAPPINESS ABOUT THE BODY: My body is given by my parents and I don't want to have any complaints,I'm happy with it.

VALUABLES:Fans letters and gifts.WEDDING: A little late, after I finish everything I wanted to do.

X-RATED FILM: I'm not really interested in them.

YAK:The other members (of SES).ZZZ: I schedule about 5 or 6 hours.

ZZZ:I schedule about 5 or 6 hours.